Sunday, April 19, 2009's making me wait!

Okay.....this is not about ketchup and if you know the tune to that then you are showing your age, and if you don't know it.......don't tell me, I'll feel old! :)
Here's the latest news...we just received our Telex (an invitation for a visa) on Friday. We then filled out our visa applications (for all six of us, in duplicate.....not really complaining, I'm just saying...). Barry FedExed (FedEx'd?) them so the Consulate should receive them Monday and process them next week. We are now staying almost two weeks longer than expected. It has been a blessing to spend time with loved ones and we are able to get everything done even those little extras that we thought would have to wait.
I am including the lyrics to a new song that I have enjoyed lately. I find I can really relate to the words. Sometimes I read the Manual and I think, "Is that what I am doing, am I giving it all, taking up my cross or am I doing the typical "Chrstn moral person" thing? Am I going through the motions but not really doing all that His Word requires of me so that I can stay comfortable?" I hope you enjoy it and that you take time to think about your own life and walk. What is something you know the CEO wants, but you are to afraid to do or don't want to give up? This song is the first one that plays when you open our blog. So if your thinking, "I have never heard a song played on this blog before.", then you may want to turn your sound on!
MOTION'S by Matthew West
This might hurt
It’s not safe
But I know that I’ve gotta make a change
I don’t care if I break
At least I’ll be feeling something
‘Cause just okay is not enough
Help me fight through the nothingness of life
I don’t wanna go through the motions
I don’t wanna go one more day
Without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don’t wanna spend my whole life asking
What if I had given everything
Instead of going through the motions?
No regrets
Not this time
I’m gonna let my heart defeat my mind
Let Your love make me whole
I think I’m finally feeling something
Take me all the way
Take me all the way
Take me all the way
Please remember us in your prayers and as soon as I get my laptop back from being worked on our newsletter will go out~

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wild Fires!!

This is a picture of what is left of our neighbor's home. Oklahoma was crazy with wild fires on Thursday. We were evacuated and stayed the evening in a hotel and while our home was spared, two of our neighbors faced a total loss of home and possessions. The fire came right up to our fence line and stopped, I totally attribute that to prayer. Thankfully, no lives were lost, but please lift up these and others who have suffered loss.

We had a Farewell Party on Friday evening, and even though people had to pass by fire trucks who were still trying to contain flare ups, friends still came. We had a great time seeing so many people that we have not seen in a long time. Please know that all of you are an important part of our lives and we treasure your friendships. Some could not come due to distance, illness's or other plans but we certainly felt your love through the cards and notes on FB. We are so blessed with great friends who let the "CEO's" love shine through, we see the Son in you!

We are still waiting for a word on our visas we cannot fly without them. We were asked to send another copy of a Birth Certificate so hopefully that was the hold up, please be praying that they come soon. Of course we are enjoying time with everyone but after our training we are also anxious to start language school and begin this new journey.
As I write this I notice a large orange glow out our backyard. The fire picked back up and our street has been blocked off to traffic most of the day. They said we didn't have to evacuate and thought they would contain is not looking contained! I am keeping an eye on the flashing lights of the rescue vehicles that are near us, they keep getting closer. This is so crazy!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Since I found my camera.....

See....I told you it was a farm!! The setting is beautiful with a lake and rolling hills.

Campbell by an African hut in her classroom, they also had other "homes" to play in.

How they explain being a TCK to the children.

The sign that led to our section of Quads, we were in #5, far away on the end.

Our family right before our Comm. Service, it was so special!
I thought I had lost my camera for almost the whole time we were there until we found it two days before we Haddon's backpack! I am still unsure as to whose fault that is, the crazy thing is that I am afraid I did it in the midst of the busyness!
I wish I could show you pics of so many wonderful families, but due to security reasons it is just not possible. It is crazy to think that our family now have friends on every major continent. (except Antarctica...but come on, does it really count?:)) I will try to post some more pics from the Creation Museum.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Returning Home

Wow! After a long drive we are finally home. We stopped over in Kentucky and saw the Creation Museum on our way back to my MIL's in Arkansas. If you ever get a chance to go, I highly recommend it. Other than Haddon screaming her lungs out when she turned a corner and saw a dinosaur eating another (showing an effect of sin) and then Barry quickly picking her up and her camera flying off her arm and knocking Marshall in the back of the head, who then thought something was trying to get was a hysterical chain of events that caused quite an ordeal. But I think after all we have been learning at FPO it was a great conclusion, it reminded us of how big our CEO is and creation is a great display of His power and how it would be silly not to trust your life in His hands. The planetarium was so phenomenal, just awesome!

We stayed a few days at my MIL's and she was not swallowing well so we took her to the Dr. and finished up details for her care. Please continue to pray for her as her struggles with dementia continue and not knowing how it will progress while we are gone is very hard.

Passing through Little Rock we had lunch with long time friends who truly blessed us with their love and by expressing their heart for following God, what an encouragement they were to us. Such a great family!

We have been able to get some much needed rest and have seen some friends and TCOTR members, and there are still so many more that we would love to see. However, I had forgotten how much we still needed to sort through in our final decisions on what to take...Ugh! Hard to balance it all and maintain my sanity. But we can see the light at the end of what has been a long tunnel for us in this process and are so anxious to get started.

I have also been working on our newsletter and it is almost done, most of you should be receiving it this week, just let me know if you want to be on our list. I'm excited and glad to have it finished, I have found it hard to get all I need done but eventually it is all coming together.

In all of this transition of the past several months it has hit me at just how close we are to our lives drastically changing. Sometimes, I honestly feel a sense of panic, but just as soon as I feel that, I am covered in a complete peace that all will be fine and that what we are doing is right. I have never experienced this before in my life, not like this, it ends up being an affirmation instead of turning into a fear, crazy! Again, I appeal for your continued prayers for us, and for 200 of our newest friends who are facing much of the same things we are and many are at this very moment already there or on their way.

We know it will be soon but we don't have a final date of departure yet as we are still waiting on our visas, although we heard that one little boy asked why we just didn't switch to MasterCard! Isn't that hysterical? Kids and their logic crack me up!