Saturday, August 6, 2011

Basking in Bali

Well.....did you think that I fell off the planet? I am so sorry for being delinquent in keeping up with the blog this summer. I think it was a combination of many things but......I'm baaack! :)

We had a great time again this year in Bali. You will notice a disproportionate number of pics of the girls versus the boys, that is because the boys are always gone with a crowd of friends and come in only for sleep!! LOL The teens had a great time having two and a half weeks with each other, it is such a treat for all of these tck's. Not to mention for the parent's as well!

A big shout out to the B*ptist General Convention of Arkansas for again bringing a great group of people over who served our families with such love! Many of them were the same ones from last year so that was nice, the youth had the same leaders and that made for such a great time for them to establish and keep those relationships. Campbell and Haddon's teacher was back and Haddon was in her class again. Love her, Miss Debbie is so sweet to my girls! The WMU lavished us with all kinds of treats that we could pick from so we came away with handmade pillow cases for the girls, velveeta, a card game and...pencils with erasers!!! LOL All treasures!!

Thanks also to the anonymous donor who gave some money for us to take a little vacation this year. We had to come a few days early because of meeting the kids from camp, and then stayed a couple of days after the meeting. It is truly a blessing to get out of our city for a while, catch our breath and get some family fun and B*blical refreshment in such a place of beauty.

However, while there we received the sad news that one of our teammates, the Whitakers, would not be returning to the field. That was tough to swallow, I wept through the sermon the morning I found out, I'm sure the speaker must've thought I was really moved by the Sp*rit, but I was grieving. They have since returned and packed up their house and now reside in the States...they are missed here for sure.

More posts are coming, I promise. Although things won't be too adventurous this month since it is R*m*dan and that brings a different atmosphere here. People are a little less friendly to us foreigners and their is constant teaching over the loudspeakers at the m*sques. Pray for us during this time, it is a hard month to go through.

Thank you for your continued pr*yers, they truly mean the world to us. Hugs and blessings to you all!!
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joan said...


Christina said...

Oh my goodness ... just loved seeing pics of the kids ... so grown up!

Addison Elledge said...

I miss your sweet family! I want to come visit you and go surfing now:)