Well, today was cheery, that whole Malaria session was one exciting class!! Oh my, I learned more than I cared to and although it was necessary it was UGH to listen to. We will be required to take preventative medication for it and so we will be able to "try it out" while we are here so we can figure out if we will have negative side effects........uh, the example of what "could" happen in "only rare" cases was not a fun thought! Apparently one of the side effects more common is vivid scary dreams.......woohoo, where do I sign up?!! So just as an added prayer request, pray that we all get through that just fine.
It has been a typical busy week here and we have had roughly 15 hours of teaching on Sp. W--fare in the past three days. I would give anything for these sessions to go out to churches across America. You know, we think of that topic and often our mind goes straight to the sensational, creepy stories and while those do happen, everyday as a believer we deal with some form of this although we don't always recognize it. The thought was that sometimes what we are called to can be hard and difficult as we try to adjust culturally and learn the language so we may be tempted to make the "easy" choice and not go out and engage the people. We may decide to stay home more often and so then we become ineffective and not a threat at all, and then "s" has won. We also were made to be totally aware of all that it may cost to be obedient and we heard several testimonies of colleagues who have paid the ultimate price and then "the rest of the story" as we heard all that the CEO has been able to do through those types of events. Very, very sobering, but also very confirming that everything we may "sacrifice" is worth it in the end. Of course we would hope that would not be required of us, and it puts in in a different light when you consider your family, but I truly believe that we must be willing.
We were also challenged in the area of denying ourselves and our rights to certain comforts for the sake of the call. So do I let people be permanently separated from the CEO just because they don't use the type of toilet I do? Or because their food seems strange to me? Or because I don't have a washer or fridge as I am accustomed to? Or the worst.....they don't have Dr. Pepper, GASP!! How very spoiled of me to think my comfort would be worth that!
So onto lighter subjects, we had a Ladies Tea with several women from the company and it was a very special time......because they had desserts!! Hahaha Seriously, it was very special as we shared requests and had a great time lifting those up for each other. But we don't have dessert here other than fruit which is great but sometimes a girl needs her chocolate!!
Well, I need to run but that gets you a little caught up on our life. Blessings to you!!
My cousin contracted Malaria on her mission trip and it didn't showup until she was pregnant, here's her story! She's been on the news and raises funds through nothing but nets organization. She's been back twice to deliver the nets. I trust God will provide you with comfort and peace.
I lived in Eastern & Southern Africa for 10 years and never got Malaria although I took preventive medicine every Sunday for it. My family was pretty lucky. I think Dad got it once or twice but that's all.
(Southern Hills Baptist Church...friends of the Biesiadecki's)
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