going up to Unit Four!! That is what my Pelatih said after my evaluation! I said, "I'm not going up?" And he said, "Not to Unit Four." I then sighed a sigh of relief because I realized he was saying "four" and I was being evaluated to go into Unit Three!!! That particular Pelatih has fun frustrating me, he has a funny sense of humor!! So, thank you for all of the talking to the CEO, he answered, we both passed. Yippee!!
This will be our last "normal" week as we start Unit Three on Monday and the kids begin International school on Tuesday. Their school begins at 7:30am and ours is at 8:00am so it will work out good. Here's an interesting piece of information for you: When the kids are in school, there is no cafeteria and the kids don't pack lunches. So what do they do? Well, everyday the Pembantu's (house helpers) fix lunches and bring them up to the students at lunch time! Can you believe that? I mean like half of the school year is during rainy season, I feel bad already! It's just the way things are done here, and since we are in school during their lunch, it's the only way to get it to them. They do have an option where the school places orders with local restaurants and you can pay to do that for your children if you prefer. So many different things to get used to! Please remember the kids as this is their first "going to school" experience because they have been homeschooled. But also, that they don't love it too much because we go back to homeschooling after this year! :) Ha Already we love the principle's and teachers we have met and the whole place has a great atmosphere.
It has done my heart good to hear good reports about TCOTR and thanks to all who have sent encouraging notes and thoughts our way, they really do encourage us, sometimes they are just the right medicine for a day when you are feeling homesick or lonely.
Some have asked about shipping things to us and here is the deal, it is more expensive to ship things to us than what we had previously expected. So I find it hard to ask anyone to send anything, but if you can't help yourself and want to send items, here are some things we would enjoy that would be cheaper and could be sent in an envelope:
Kool Aid packets
Ranch Seasoning packets
Taco Seasoning packets....notice a trend? These would be easy to stick in an envelope!
Any type of seasoning packets :)
If you happen to be independently wealthy and want to send a box :) there are things you can do that will help us not have to pay customs that we can discuss through email if so desired. Please email me if you would like the address.
Also one last note: I have set our comments on the blog to be screened by us before they post, so maybe that is why some of you can't get them to go through, I read them then allow them to be published. Just a thought to help!
Here's a few pics from Haddon's 6th Birthday!!
I was excited to find her a crown here, and it's in English!
Opening gifts!! She was so excited!
She invited a friend, Hee Jung, over to her party!
A long day of partying and swimming wore them out! :)
The kids bought your boys some legos from the lego store and then the girls some stuff from Claire's. I did this before you posted this. Shame on you! ;0)
Your mom told me how this works. But it isn't as much fun just sending you the money and letting them pick it out. Anyway thanks for this new info!
I am going to try and get skype going today. I will FB you if we do.
Occasionally I stop by to see how you guy are doing, I really enjoy reading some of your post and look forward to future ones. It is obvious to me that it requires a significant adjustment. The hardest thing to me would be dealing with all the people you encounter that are in such a hopeless situation. It helps keep things in perspective.
please e-mail me...we want to send packets to ya :)
enjoyed reading updates on ya!
as always...miss ya'll and praying for you!
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