Packed up to live in VA for 2 months....tiring, rewarding, and made lots of great friends! :)
Learned many thought provoking things and also was reminded of other things I knew but now applied in a new way. :)
Learned that they were right...culture shock can be ugly:/
Watched as two neighborhood homes burned down in the worst wildfire I have ever experienced :(
Traveled to Southeast Asia by way of Moscow (we had a tracker so we know that we ate breakfast over Sweden!) :)
Moved to an island the size of Tennessee but with the population of 120 million people :o
Blew up my phone that would call and receive calls from America for free :/
Saw a dancing monkey with a blonde doll head on it's head......creepy!
Got used to smelling Durian, still haven't tried it.......and still don't like it! :(
Often get to see wild iguanas running around :)
Employed a cook and a cleaner for the first time ever.....Yippee! :)
Started Language School and completed 6 units of the 9 unit course. :)
Enrolled our previously homeschooled children into an International School, that they love! :)
Watched both sons' play and do well in soccer :)
Campbell continued taking dance :)
Rode in local un-air conditioned public transportation (read van) with 15 other people :0
Rode in a horse cart with my whole family :o
Landed in an airplane that bounced on the runway so hard that we all flew up in the air as we thanked God we had on our seat belts!! (and knew how to fasten them!) :P
Vacationed in Bali for a week =D
Ate from food stalls that would have "Diner's Digest" in fits...and survived! :}
Learned to buy unrefrigerated eggs....and survived! :P
Learned to drink box shelf milk.....and still learning to like it. :/
Learned to carefully eat ground often has bone pieces! :/
Made more great friends in our Language school city, some colleagues and some nationals! :)
Learned that "Good-bye" is now a way of life for us :(
Learned to not panic when a car is coming at me, in my lane :0
Learned that they don't drive on the "wrong side of the road", but the "left side"! :P
Saw gut wrenching poverty :(
Watched people "wash" their gods :/
Learned to adjust to hearing the call to pr*yer five times a day.....loudly! :/ And can now sleep through the one at 4:00 am!
Fell in love with the cutest little kids who live in our neighborhood who yell, "Hallo!" when they see us!=D
Experienced a terrorist attack and several earthquakes taking place on our island, but thankfully not directly affected by any of them! :o
Learned to live without real cheese :(
Learned that when you see it, buy it. You may never see it again! :/
Weekly attend a church with nationals :)
Seen on a daily basis: families of 4, 5 or 6 people riding a motorcycle. Sometimes while holding an umbrella! :o
Learned to shop in a new way, you can't just pick up an item and carry it with you to pay. They must make out a receipt at every department, and then you pick up and pay for your items at the end. :/
Found out that every time you buy something electrical they unpack it, plug it in, and show you that it works.....even when buying a flat iron. :)
$2.00 haircuts are "very expensive" to the nationals :(
Drank Kopi Luwak....and survived :o
Look the whole family snorkeling.....everyone loved it!
Learned to bargain...quite effectively, if I can remember my numbers! :/
Survived holidays away from my family and friends for the first time ever :(
Learned that The CEO is faithful to his Word and he can care for us here just as much as he can in America!
"Why should I fear man, When You made the heavens?
Why should I be afraid, When You put the stars in place?
Why should I lose heart, When I know how great you are?
Why should I give up, When Your plans are full of love?
In this world we will have trouble, But You have overcome the world!
You Shine, Brighter than the brightest star!
Your love, Purer than the purest heart!
You Shine, Filling us with courage and strength to follow You!"
May you SHINE for Him in 2010 and dare to do things you never thought possible for His Kingdoms' sake!
Your blog was very encouraging. Our God is good.
Loved catching up on your blog! You all have been through lots of changes. And yet...your hearts are full and still seeking to enjoy the road ahead! Love you...miss you....Great job on the turkey!!!
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