We went to a beautiful local pool with Hudson's teacher's family. Mr. B has a son in the class and "Z" and Hudson have become good friends. They also have a daughter a year older than Campbell and another younger son so fun was had by all!! Our pembantu (cook) made him cinnamon rolls on his actual birthday and then made (beef) bacon, egg, and cheese rolls for breakfast on Saturday. (which is what we put his candles in!:)) I still have not figured out how to make a cake here that actually tastes good and doesn't outweigh the family, so I made him a big chocolate chip cookie (with my last chocolate chips....not a hint ;)....I'm just saying :) to share with his class. On Saturday we went to the Bizztro where he was given free ice cream and also ordered a hamburger, onion rings and a piece of cheesecake. He really had fun but was also a little homesick, special days have been a little bittersweet.
While on break this week I plan to post some interesting things about the culture that we learned this Unit! Stay tuned!! Also please pray for our evaluations tomorrow.....you know the drill, lie prostrate and fast all day! We don't want a repeat of the last evaluation!! Hahahaaaa
I love your post! I think almost everyone I cry! They are joyful, inviting, and I see how all your needs are being met but wouldn't it be nice to jump home for a day and then return back to your other home:D Love you guys!!!!
Happy Birthday Husdon! Those 2 ones looked awesome on your cinnamon rolls.
When I come visit you then you need to teach me how to surf. I am going to buy the book "Surfing for chickens" so I will be all ready! hehe
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