Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fun Farm Field Trip (not the Funny Farm!) :)

Here is a slideshow of the Second Grade class field trip to the farm. I misunderstood and thought we were going to a rice field farm with water buffalo, instead this was a "learning farm" with all kinds of small crops and animals for school groups. They actually had Holstein cattle which I had not seen here before! The kids had a great time and fortunately the rain held off until the end but then it dumped buckets on us, which of course the kids loved! You always run that risk when you plan outings during rainy season, there is no real pattern to the rain so it can be difficult to know the best time to do something, so they usually just adjust to whatever happens and don't sweat it! Haddon's class is going in a couple of weeks so hopefully I can go with them also. However I do feel the need to increase my pr@yer life for Campbell's teacher......she has her hands full! :)

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